2010, Number 4
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Vet Mex 2010; 41 (4)
Reproductive analysis of Iguana iguana females raised in captivity in Oaxaca, Mexico
Arcos-García JL, Mendoza MGD, Bárcena GR, Espino BOV, Leyte MGB
Language: English/Spanish
References: 47
Page: 251-262
PDF size: 198.84 Kb.
With the objective to evaluate the reproductive stage in green iguana
(Iguana iguana) females maintained in captivity in Oaxaca, Mexico, a total of 137 females were used during six years. Iguanas were fed with concentrate, frijolillo plants
(Desmodium infortum) and tulip flower
(Tulipa gesneriana). The females were identified and housed in cages of 30 m
2 and were observed. Reproductive activities such as proestrus, estrus and pregnancy were daily recorded. In the stage of hatching, variables were measured in eggs that were incubated in styrofoam boxes with relative humidity of 65 to 85% and temperature between 28 to 34°C, and the newborn were measured after hatching. Results were analyzed with descriptive statistics and canonical correlation analysis using the Statistical Analysis System. At the beginning of the reproductive season the females weighed 975.9 ± 405 g and measured 27.9 ± 3.4 cm snout-vent length, with a relative clutch mass of 36.3 ± 7.1%, clutch size of 23.5 eggs, hatching success of 64.8%, and newborn weight of 12.5 ± 2.3 g. The periods of proestrus, estrus, and pregnancy were 85, 36.2 y 59.7 days, respectively. The females weight at the beginning of the reproductive stage, snout-vent length and total were correlated (canonical correlation r = 0.69, r = 0.64 and r = 0.64, respectively) with the number and weight of newborn, indicating the importance of female management before the breeding season.
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