2007, Number 1
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Rev Med UV 2007; 7 (1)
Quality of health care in labor in a university hospital
Durán GLI, Pavón LP, Gogeascoechea TMC
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 7-13
PDF size: 384.68 Kb.
Objective. To assess the quality of the medical service provided to the pregnant women during labor and delivery in a university hospital.
Material and methods. A representative sample of 80 pregnant women who requested medical care for delivery, in the hospital. The information was compiled throw a shadow study, valuing the procedures used during the attention, the fulfilling of the normativity, the doctor-patient relationship and the complications encountered.
Results. According to the used parameters of evaluation, the attention provided to the patients was acceptable in 45.5% of the cases, inadequate in a 33.1% and adequate in a 21.4%. The service provided to the patient was deficient in a 79% of the cases. 15% of the patients presented a complication.
Conclusions. The results of the study indicate deficiencies during the process of providing the care that can be related to the lack of adequate supervision of the staff-in-training that care for the patients; the routine practi ce of the procedures that are not allowed by the normativity in addition to the deficient doctor-patient relationship.
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