2005, Number 2
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Rev Med UV 2005; 5 (2)
Conceptos basicos del embarazo prolongado: una revisión
Hernández PTG, Nachón GMG
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 21-27
PDF size: 326.13 Kb.
The postterm pregnancy is which has extended to 42 weeks of gestation after last menstrual period or more than that. The reported frequency is approximately 7%. It is a clinical condition on account important fetal and maternal risk pregnancy. For this reason it is considerate a high risk pregnancy. The opportune diagnosis, based on acquaintance of last menstrual period, an appropriate prenatal control with an ultrasonography performed early bring the chance to knowing estimated date of delivery and determinate last day for expected birth. Although the clinical importance of postterm pregnancy and the tools in order to the diagnosis, there is usually careless from both the patient and the physician. The complications for the fetus including uteroplacental insufficiency, meconium aspiration and intrauterine infection, these contribute to the increased rate of perinatal death, whish is twice as much as that at term. Postterm pregnancy is associated with an increase in labor dystocia, an increase in severe perineal injury related to macrosomia and doubling in the rate of cesearean delivery. The tratment depends on exactness of the diagnosis. Whether the condition of the mother and baby are acceptable, we attempt labor induction. The standard management in obstetrics of the Instituto Nacional de Perinatología, in Mexico, has recomended that the resolution of the pregnancy do not might to continue after of 41 week, because of the evidence of high morbi-mortality maternal-fetal rate that the postterm pregnancy induces. The object of this review is emphasize the clinical importance of this condition of the pregnancy, including early diagnosis, as well as fitting obstetric management, in order to avoid fetal and maternal complications that could be appear.
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