2010, Number 2
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Cir Plast 2010; 20 (2)
The utility of ultrasound in the mallet finger deformity diagnosis
Cuenca-Pardo JA, Carral SR, Torres-González R, Rodríguez MMI
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 67-72
PDF size: 321.17 Kb.
The physical examination diagnoses mallet finger deformity, but cannot determine internal damage. A simple X-ray of the finger may be useful for identifying bone damage. Ultrasound has been used for the diagnosis of tendon injuries. In the Trauma Hospital «Dr. Victorio de la Fuente Narvaez» of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, an observational study was performed in 16 patients, to determine the usefulness of ultrasound in the diagnosis of internal damage in the mallet finger deformity, comparing the results with those obtained through physical examination, X-rays and intraoperative exploration. Ultrasound is a dynamic medium that allows for exploration of the damaged tendon during finger flexion and extension and is the procedure that could detect the most changes in this type of deformity. Ultrasound had the highest sensitivity for the diagnosis of mallet finger deformity; furthermore, it is simple, noninvasive, economical and accessible, causes no damage and can be performed in all patients in the emergency ward. It determines with certainty the internal damage of the deformity, identifies the specific conditions of the extensor tendon and all the surrounding tissue, including bones and joints.
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