2003, Number 2
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Rev Med UV 2003; 3 (2)
Papel del músculo pubococcigeo en el proceso de continencia urinaria en la rata macho
Manzo J, Esquivel A, Hernández MA, Carrillo P, Gómez M, Pacheco P
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 34-42
PDF size: 640.89 Kb.
The role of the male rat pubococcygeus muscle (Pcm) in the micturition reflex was analyzed. Anatomical features of Pcm, electrical stimulation of its nerve, electrical recording and stimulation of the muscle and cystometrograms were carried out. Results showed that Pcm has fibers attached to the ventrolateral part of the external uretrhral sphincter, and that its activity contributes to hold the tail in the midline. Pcm shows activity during fluid expulsion in cystometrograms and spontaneus micturitions. This activity produced reflex inbhition of detrusor contraction and was not the cause of intravesical high frecuency oscillations. Thus, it is proposed that Pcm activity produces the discharge of its afferents wich in turn activates a spinal reflex to promote continence.
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