2003, Number 2
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Rev Med UV 2003; 3 (2)
Manifestaciones Bucales en Pacientes Anoréxicos y Bulímicos de Tipo Compulsivo Purgativo
Nachón GMG, Hernández PTG, Félix LGA, Flores GC
Language: Spanish
References: 56
Page: 17-28
PDF size: 353.12 Kb.
Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa of compulsive purgative type, are characterized by the self-induction of vomit. When appearing this behavior of periodic way by a time interval of two years approximated, oral tissue will be affected. Within its main manifestations of odontologic character it is emphasize: dental erosion, decay, alterations in mucous and periodontium. Although these manifestations do not put in risk life, they are some of the signs and symptoms of patients with eating disorders, those that, of not being diagnosed and treated on time, will be irreversible. The odontologist when detecting dry mouth, erosion and/or change in pH salivary, will have to discard eating disorders type, being conscientious that, most of the times, the patient will deny his problem. The instruction and education of aspects such as the erosion and the effect that the dehydration and the diet have on oral tissue will be the initial step in the dental treatment. The dental treatment of these cases wil not be simple. The clinical must consider an important challenge the recovery and maintenance of the patient obtaining dental aesthetic function and improving self-esteem. Being a multisystemics suffering will have to be treated by a multidisciplinary specialized team.
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