2010, Number 591
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2010; 67 (591)
Lesiones Intra-epiteliales de bajo grado
Castrillo CKG, Morales AJL
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 43-50
PDF size: 681.05 Kb.
Justification and objective: Now a days the intra-epithelial lesions of low-grade are one of the consultations of largest affluence of colposcopy, which makes us raise the importance that it should have, even tough, the intra-epithelial lesions of high degree, such as cervix cancer, is one of the leading causes of women death in poor countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (25-33). The objective of this study is to check the clinical behaviour spontaneous the intra-epithelial lesions of low-grade, that is early detected with the papanicolaou study and observe the natural evolution the intra-epithelial lesions of low-grade in the area of population health at Nicoya from prevention program of cervical cancer.
Methodology: It was made a retrospective study on the total sample of colposcopy assistance, from February 2006 until July 2007, in the outpatient department “Hospital de la Anexión” in Nicoya, Guanacaste. The variables studied were the PAP referred from the doctors of basic integral assistance in the health care area, the result of the colposcopy, the taking biopsy or not taking from the cervix and the histological type of report of the biopsy.
Results: In the period from February 2006 to July 2007, there was a high affluence of visits for colposcopy intra-epithelial lesions of low-grade, which accounts for more than half of consultations with an important variability and a low percentage of high risk histological, based on the abstraction of all those women who consult their health care clinic for preventive and awareness campaigns on that theme in the region. This study sums up that the treatment of low-grade lesions must have an expectant handling way, once obtained a report as normal biopsy or confirmed as reported low grade lesion. All this backed up according to national and international standards with the evaluation of low grade lesions, every 6 months with a PAP and colposcopy.
Conclusions: Give the respective importance of intra-epithelial lesions of low-grade and minimize the tenth of deaths and annual avoidable deaths complications in the mortality rate from the areas of health by intra-epithelial lesions of highgrade (such as intra-epithelial neoplasia 2 and grade cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia grade cervical 3) resulting from mishandling of injury or negligence of patients with intra-epithelial lesions of low-grade.
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