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Arch Med Fam 2011; 13 (1)
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 9-15
PDF size: 152.48 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the results of habits and foot care in patients with type 2 diabetes with a Podiatry workshop in the period comprising August to November 2008.
Material and Methods: We conducted a quasi-experimental study with type 2 diabetes, with attendance of each patient at a medical consultation; we used the Wagner classification from 0–3. We identified foot care habits, and physical examination was performed of the patients’ feet. Those who agreed to attend the workshop were integrated into the experimental group, while the remaining patients formed the control group. Three months later, the patients were again questioned and their feet were examined.
Results: We included 200 patients with diabetes (100 in the experimental group and 100 in the control group). We initially found lower education in the experimental group (
p = 0.0188) and a higher Wagner stage (
p = 0.0000), and in the control group, further disease evolution of diabetes (
p = 0.0169). Final assessment of experimental-group patients revealed improvement in daily review of the feet (
p = 0.00001), use of the mirror (
p =0.00000), checking of shoes prior to use (
p = 0.0001), daily changing of socks or stockings (
p = 0.0295), nails cut straight across (
p = 0.0000), post-wash lubrication (
p = 0.00007), and reduced duration of foot washing (
p = 0.0000) and walking barefoot (
p = 0.0238). In the control group, participants increased their use of mirror (
p = 0.0022), nails cut straight across (
p = 0.0417), post-wash lubrication (
p = 0.0043), and reduction in foot-washing time (
p = 0.0110).
Conclusions: The Podiatry workshop allowed increasing patients’ knowledge with regard to caring for their feet and improving their foot-care habits.
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