2010, Number 593
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2010; 67 (593)
Diagnóstico imagenológico de seno urogenital persistente (Reposte de un Caso Clínico)
Jaén HJ, Plaja RC
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 263-266
PDF size: 376.46 Kb.
We report herein the case of a female patient, 12 years old, with urinary incontinence urgency, since 5 years of age, and recently fetid whiteyellowish leukorrhea. The findings in image studies reveal indirectly a communication between the vagina and distal urethra, associated with a single orifice found incidentally in the exploration of the external genitalia for placement of the bladder probe to perform the cystography. These findings are consistent with a rare congenital malformation called urogenital sinus persistence or a subtype called imperforated vagina with vaginal-urethral communication. This congenital abnormality is characterized by the presence of a single orifice, how ever the rest of the external genitalia can be normal. The diagnosis is made by demonstrating the presence of radiocontrast in the vagina during the descending urography and voiding cystography. The importance of this diagnosis is that if the surgery for closing such communication is not done, there is a predisposition to infections of the urinary tract, vaginitis and peritoneal irritation.
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