2010, Number 1
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Patol Rev Latinoam 2010; 48 (1)
Diagnostic differences in death causes identified by autopsies. Cuba, 1994-2003. Fourth part
Hurtado de Mendoza AJ, Álvarez SR, Borrajero MI
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 3-7
PDF size: 143.18 Kb.
Background: The three previous parts of this work sets the background and results obtained in order to clarify the diagnostic discrepancies in causes of death identifiedin Cuba from 1994 to 2003.
Objective: To establish the diagnostic discrepancies variation between causes of death in most presented diseases, direct causes of death (DCD) or basic causes of death (BCD).
Material and method:DCD´s or BCD´s discrepancies were obtained in terms of most presented diseases, according to the classification and processing provided by SARCAP.
Results:The most common DCD figures that shows high discrepancies are the pulmunary embolism, atherosclerosis and, in particular, the complications of aortic aneurysm; liver cirrhosis and tuberculosis have the highest rates of discrepancies of BCD, although there are not in most presented group of diseases. In the case of malign tumor disease as BCD, the most presented is the digestive system, and as an organs, the liver, biliary tract, pancreas and kidney.
Conclusions: The studies of multiple causes of death’s advantages, and its importance in cancer as CBM, were highlighted. It showed the wide possibilities offered by the autopsy and the further study of the sick/illness and quality assurance in medicine, and how to get the most use of it.
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Hurtado de Mendoza AJ, Álvarez Santana R, Borrajero Martínez I. Discrepancias diagnósticas en las causas de muerte Patología Rev Latinoam 2009;47(3):195-199.
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