2010, Number 3
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2010; 30 (3)
Identification of periodontal pathogen bacteria using molecular diagnostic methods
Medina ML, Medina MG, Merino LA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 83-90
PDF size: 117.20 Kb.
Although in the periodontal disease a direct relationship between specific bacteria and disease is not demonstrated, it is known that bacteria play an important role in the initiation and perpetuation of the inflammatory process. That is why a correct identification is needed to define the etiology and apply an appropriate therapy . The application of molecular methods for identification of periodontal pathogens enables a better management and monitoring of patients, always in close relation with other methods used for diagnosis of periodontal disease. No single treatment is effective for all individuals, so that microbiological tests should be performed in order to achieve therapeutic efficacy according to patient - specific microbial profile; thus, dentists seek to achieve a prolonged clinical stability with specific treatments targeted on microorganisms directly involved in infectious processes, especially when pathogens are embedded in the biofilms. Molecular biology techniques are based on the application of methods for detection and identification of microorganisms in the supra and subgingival biofilm. Molecular diagnostics has proven to be safe, fast, reproducible, and discriminatory if the methodologies are carefully standardized and controlled.
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