2008, Number 3
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Arch Med Fam 2008; 10 (3)
The Influence of Gender and Information Level on Cardiovascular Risk in University Students
Martínez PA, Balanza GS, Leal HM, Martínez NA, Conesa BC, Abellán AJ
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 104-111
PDF size: 199.15 Kb.
Objectives: 1) To know the degree of knowledge on factors of cardiovascular risk that the university students (US) possess, and 2) to Analyze the influence of the type of studies, career major, and gender with regard to this knowledge.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at the Catholic University of Murcia, Spain with a sample of 1,179 selected students. The study utilized an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire that explores the degree of health information on cardiovascular risk possessed by these US.
Results: A total of 38.1% of US regarded traffic accidents as the most frequent cause of death, and 31.3% identified cardiovascular disease as the most common cause. The US indicated smoking as the cause more harmful to the US health (41.8%) followed by physical inactivity (22%) and stress (19.9%). A total of 85.7% of these US thought that cholesterol levels played a significant or very significant in CVR. For high blood pressure, this figure is 86%, with 82% for smoking, and only 38% of US thought that diabetes is related to CVR.
Conclusions: Traffic accidents are regarded as the leading cause of death among university students, followed by cardiovascular disease. There is a great lack of knowledge concerning diabetes as a cardiovascular risk factor.
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