2009, Number 3
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Arch Med Fam 2009; 11 (3)
Impact of Patient Education on the Acceptance of Early Detection of Cervical Cancer
Vega OC, Landgrave IS, Torres SB
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 100-105
PDF size: 105.11 Kb.
Objective: To quantify the acceptance of early detection of cervical cancer after an Educational intervention (EI).
Material ands Methods: Retrospective, crosssectional and quasi-experimental study. Random sample. Carried out at Family Medicine Unit 28 of the Mexican Social Security Institute in Mexico City between March and June 2006. We compared two groups of 40 patients with and without EI. Evaluation was performed with χ
2 and Wilcoxon tests. Statistical analysis was conducted with the SPSS V.10 software program. The strategy employed to administer the IE was by means of focus group.
Results: Wilcoxon, - 4.964,
P = 0.000, which was statistically significant, a χ
2 of 6.400,
P =0-011, which was also statistically significant. In this study, acceptance of early detection of cervical cancer depended on receiving the EI or not.
Conclusions: The EI modified the knowledge of patients receiving the intervention, and acceptance of early cervical cancer detection increased.
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