2008, Number 4
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Arch Med Fam 2008; 10 (4)
Relationship between the Mean Diameter of the Subfractions of Cholesterol LDL with the Clinical Parameters in Patients of High Cardiovascular Risk of a Center of Health
Granero FE, Hernández MA, Albaladejo OMD, Parra PS, Moreno RS, Martinez HP, Tebar MFJ
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 147-153
PDF size: 83.52 Kb.
Objectives: To establish the possible relationship of the average diameter of LDL subfractions (dmsfLDL), as a manifestation of increased cardiovascular risk (RCV) with indicators of handling more common in the asistencial.
Material and Methods: We performed an observational study descriptive prevalence conducted at Primary care. They include 150 patients in family medicine, LDL subfractions obtained with the Quantimetrix Lipoprint System® using electrophoresis tube with polyacrylamide gel to 3%.
Results: The concentration of triglycerides is the variable that most affects the forecast for the presence of the pattern B in a patient with an odds ratio of 1.02. The "quotient TG / HDL" is proof that better diagnosis explains and predicts the emergence of a pattern B sfLDL because the 75 percentile of the values of variable get a sensitivity of 76% a specificity of 86% with a predictive value 0.70 positive, negative predictive value of 0.90 and a percentage of hits 84%, for a value ratio equal to 3.5.
Conclusions: You can make a fairly reliable approximation to dmsfLDL with simple analytical parameters (LDL cholesterol and triglycerides).
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