2008, Number 4
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Arch Med Fam 2008; 10 (4)
Frequency of Postpartum Depression in Patients of Two Family Medicine Clinics in Mexico
Alvarez EA, Ponce RER, Irigoyen CA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 133-136
PDF size: 50.72 Kb.
Objective: To identify the depression frequency postpartum in women rightful claimants of two Familiar Medicine clinics.
Design: Observational, crosssectional, and descriptive.
Material and methods: The study was made in two clinics: “Dr. Ignacio Chávez” and “Tlalnepantla”, of June to October of the 2006; directed to the patients in postpartum of 4 weeks to 6 months. Previous informed consent, was applied the instrument that consisted of 5 sections: 1) card of identification, 2) antecedent gineco-obstetricians, 3) information of the members of the family, 4) criteria of DSM IV and 5) EDPS questionnaire.
Results: 130 questionnaires were applied, 32 patients detected themselves respectively according to the criteria of DSM IV (24.6%) and with the EDPS 22 patients (16,9%) suspicions of depression postpartum. Being sensitivity of 53%, specificity 94% with positive a predictive value of 77% and a negative predictive value of 86%. The age average of the mothers was of 29.4 years, married 70.8%, the majority housewives 47.7% and professional 23.1%, age average of you babies 3 months, 71% lived with their pair and children.
Conclusions: Suspicious patients of depression identified themselves postpartum by means of questionnaire EDPS. Useful instrument to detect possible depression postpartum.
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