2006, Number 3
Importance of the Committee for Prevention and Control of Nosocomial Infections
González ML, Miranda NG
Language: Spanish
References: 3
Page: 82-85
PDF size: 68.28 Kb.
The necessity of conforming a regulator organism for the surveillance of nosocomial infections was recognized in the U.S.A. since 1950´s. In 1969 the first hospitals fulfilling this task began to seek the approval. Epidemiological surveillance is a national priority, represents a sum of related activities that allow the permanent and dynamic study of the behavior, distribution and associated factors to human diseases, to obtain information about public health, with the objective to establish preventive and control measures.Nosocomial infections constitute a problem of great clinical and epidemiological relevance, due to their impact on the morbidity and mortality rates.
Epidemiological surveillance of nosocomial infections is inscribed inside the purposes of guaranteeing the quality in medical care. The application of rules, procedures, criteria and multidisciplinary approach to identify and study the infections classified in these area, constitutes an instrument of support for the health services and the national programs held in medical units. The Infection Control Committee is responsible of identifying, analyzing, preventing and controlling nosocomial infections, of performing the epidemiological surveillance of the cases according to the basis established by the Red Hospitalaria de Vigilancia Epidemiológica (RHOVE) and applying the Normas Oficiales Mexicanas (NOM).
Based on the necessities of our country and our hospitals, the Infection Control Committee must be an organism formed by health care specialists and workers in medical units. Particular functions for every one of the vocals should be well defined and each one must demonstrate their attitude of service and compromise. The adequate function of the committee must rest in the right role of their integrants, and the leader of the group, supervising the activities of them all.