2009, Number 4
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2009; 30 (4)
Transverse testicular ectopy with right cryptorchism. Report of a case and review of the literature
Palacios-Acosta JM, León-Hernández A, Guzmán-Mejía JI, Shalkow-Klincovstein J
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 212-215
PDF size: 222.30 Kb.
Transverse testicular ectopy refers to an extremely rare disorder of testicular descent, in which both testes lie in one side of the groin. We report the case of an 18-month-old male referred to us for bilateral undescended testis, which were not palpable at the inguinal canal.
During surgery, both testes were found above the right internal inguinal ring. We performed bilateral orchidopexy, placing the medial testis on the left scrotum and the external testis in the right one. The patient recovered uneventfully.
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