2010, Number 2
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2010; 24 (2)
Neonatal Unit and participation of parents in the care of premature
Gallegos-Martínez J, Reyes-Hernández J, Silvan-Scochi CG
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 98-108
PDF size: 357.79 Kb.
Background: The preterm ones are vulnerable population, with the biotechnological advances they survive from very early gestationals ages, with prolonged hospitalization that imply separation of the child and his family, which has given rise to application of programs with participation of the parents in the neonatal unit (NICU), when stating advantages in favorables clinical evolution, development, bond and attachment; competent parents in his care and reduction of days of hospitalization of the premature one.
Objectives: 1) To describe the NICU according to the type of hospital in the city of San Luis Potosí to include understand the welfare scope in which the parents participate. 2) To characterize the participation of the parents in the care of their child.
Material and methods: Descriptive study and survey in nine NICU with consent informed, information in 2004 was collected updating itself in 2008.
Results: There were two big and seven small hospitals. Three were a III level, three were II level and the rest I level. The medical personnel and nurses approach the standard in the ratio professional: patient, the medical competition is sufficient and is important to elevate the nurse neonatal training. The participation of the parents are limited. The mother provides feeding and some hygiene activities and for the father, his visit is only as an observer.
Conclusions: The visit to NICU, depends on several factors: human milk production, neonate clinical condition and medical treatment. The recommendation includes an institutional program with a definite philosophy and integral participation of the parents to be present and involved in the care of the child.
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