2009, Number 4
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Arch Neurocien 2009; 14 (4)
Rehabilitation strategies of the stroke patients
Sánchez-Villavicencio I, Hernández-Franco J, Sucar E, Leder RS
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 237-242
PDF size: 137.69 Kb.
Objective: virtual reality allows repetitive training in rehabilitation strategies, providing and multisensory environment that promotes neuroplasticy mechanisms in the neurologic patients. This study compares the conventional occupational programs with a virtual reality environment based on low cost technology in the rehabilitation of the stroke patients.
Methods: 22 chronic ischemic stroke patients were divides randomly into two groups using program of 15 sessions, 3 times per week. The study group use the software the simulated activities called gesture therapy. The control group treatment consisted of occupational therapy activities. Evaluation was made used the Fugl Meyer and Motricity index scales, and motivation intrinsic scale in the end of treatment.
Results: both groups showed a statistically significant recovery in the motor scales. The intrinsic motivation scale showed a higher score in the study group.
Conclusions: the use of virtual reality as a rehabilitation strategy in our study showed no advantage in comparison to conventional occupational therapy protocol, but enhanced the attachment of the patient to the treatment through a higher motivation.
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