2008, Number 28
Benign fibroósseous lesions of maxillary bones (a general concept for the odonto-estomalotogy)
Palma GJM, Chávez OH, Román MCD, Aparicio RJM, Yáńez FMC, Figueroa MH
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 433-441
PDF size: 937.54 Kb.
The bening fibro-osseous lesions (BFOL) of the maxillary bones represent a clinically diverse group of disorders that are interesting, enigmatic and challenging for dental practitioners, maxillofacial surgeons and general and oral pathologist. Common to all is the replacement of normal bone with a tissue composed of collagen fibers and fibroblast that contain varying amounts of mineralized substance, which may be bony o cementum-like in appearance. These lesions represent failure in developmen, dysplasias (reactive in nature) or neoplasms. Oral health workers play a very important role in detecting, diagnosing and treating this group of lesions. Multidisciplinary approach is indicated.