2010, Number 2
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2010; 11 (2)
Influencia del consumo de alcohol en mujeres en la funcionalidad conyugal y familiar
Boo-Vera D, Martínez-Torres J, Montesinos-Balboa JE
Language: Spanish
References: 34
PDF size: 78.22 Kb.
To determine the influence of the alcohol consumption in the conjugal and family functionality in usuary women of primary attention. Cross-sectional descriptive study, in a sample for qualitative variables for infinite populations of women that went to external consultation in one unit of family medicine from Tapachula Chiapas, previous informed consent were applied questionnaires to them of familiar variables; Test AUDIT (Alcoholism Use Disorders Identification Test); Test Apgar-Familiar (familiar functionality); Evaluation of the Conjugal Subsystem (Questionnaire of Chávez Aguilar). Univariate and bivariate statistic analysis would be realised. It was interview to 374 woman with average of 34.68 ± 11.84 years, the 47,6% alcohol consumption, the 11.2% elevated risk of alcohol consumption and 15.8% begin to have consumption problems. The 26.47% present conjugal dysfunction (18.71% moderate disfunctionality and 7.75% severe dysfunction). The 28.07% present familiar dysfunction (25.40% moderate dysfunction and 2.67% severe dysfunction). Of the women with alcohol consumption the 18.44% present conjugal dysfunction and the 18.71% present familiar dysfunction. The alcohol consumption increases the risk of present conjugal dysfunction (OR 3.50; p 0,0001) and familiar dysfunction (OR 2.98; p 0,001), both relations were significant.
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