2010, Number 2
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2010; 11 (2)
Determinación de consumo de pescado en estudiantes Universitarios, Bucaramanga, Colombia
Gamboa DEM, López BN, Gómez AE, Torres AN, Castillo MJD
Language: Spanish
References: 28
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Vast scientific evidence has shown the nutritional benefits of health promotion and prevention of diseases derived from the consumption or supplementation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, whose main natural source is fish. The objective of this work was to determine the consumption of fish and its associated factors in students of Universidad Industrial de Santander; in order to do this, an analytic transversal study in 272 university students was carried out, where nutritional, socioeconomic, and demographic variables were analyzed and related to life styles and eating habits that allowed to identify the factors associated to fish-consumption. The results showed that, for the past month, 74.2% consumed some type of fish, whereas 25.8% did not include it in their diet. The motives for not doing this were: they do not like it (66.2%), cost (19.1%), and presence of allergies to this food (5.9%). The varieties consumed the most are: tuna (89.8%), catfish (43.8%) and Colombian bocachico (40.3%) although the consumption frequency was very low. The results obtained lead to conclude that an important percentage of the study population (25.8%) do not include fish in their daily diet, and those who do, consume it with very low frequency; this lets us predict that the recommendations on essential n-3 fatty acids are hardly followed.
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