2010, Number 6
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Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 2010; 67 (6)
Purulent and neoplasic pericarditis in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: case report and literature
Ibarra RD, Cabrera MML, Vizcaíno AA, Reyes CL, Espinoza IG, Zapata TMM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 536-542
PDF size: 287.09 Kb.
Background. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) represents the most common cause of childhood cancer, accounting for 25% of all malignancies. Overall survival has improved remarkably due to the better understanding of its pathophysiology, the creation of new chemotherapy regimes and the improvement of the supportive care and the management of the disease complications as well as to complications secondary to treatment.
Case report. We report a case of septicemia and purulent pericarditis secondary to
Staphylococcus aureus in the initial presentation of ALL. Pericarditis in the course of leukemia in children is an unusual presentation. There are 18 cases reported worldwide of children with leukemia and pericarditis. In six cases an infectious etiology was found including
S. aureus, Candida sp,
Phytum insidiosum, S. pneumoniaz/i> and two by Aspergillus.
Conclusions. This is the second case of purulent pericarditis secondary to S. aureus reported in the literature. It represents the third case of pericardial infiltration of leukemia reported by our hospital. It is important to note that S. aureus may have entered the bloodstream through an acupuncture procedure performed prior to diagnosis. These alternative resources are widely used in the Mexican population.
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