2009, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2009; 51 (4)
Mexico: results of the Epidemiological Surveillance System of Addictions, 1994-2006
Ocampo R, Bojorquez I, Cortés M
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 306-313
PDF size: 132.83 Kb.
Objective. To determine the association between substance use and the number of substances with the presentation of suicide.
Material and Methods. Data were taken from the forensic certificate of the Epidemiological Surveillance System of Addictions in the period between 1994 and 2006 from 27 states in Mexico.
Results. Suicide was detected in 8.7% of the violent deaths during the study period. Among men, it was observed that the increased number of substances increased the possibility for death by suicide, compared to deaths from other causes (one substance: OR = 1.8; two or more: OR = 3.3). In women, that possibility remains virtually unchanged with the increase in the number of substances detected (one substance: OR = 3.2; two or more: OR = 3.6).
Discussion. The use of substances is a major factor associated with suicide in the population whose cause of death was issued by the Mexican Forensic Medical Services.
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