2009, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2009; 51 (6)
Lifestyle conditions related to global cardiovascular risk among university workers in the State of Mexico.
Cerecero P, Hernández B, Aguirre D, Valdés R, Huitrón G
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 465-473
PDF size: 146.24 Kb.
Objective. To assess the relationship between lifestyle and cardiovascular risk (CR) among university workers in the State of Mexico.
Material and Methods. A nested casecontrol study was conducted and lifestyle, sociodemographic, anthropometric, body mass index and family history of cardiovascular disease were assessed. The analysis included the estimation of crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) using conditional logistic regression.
Results. The study included 342 workers with CR and 684 controls. CR was greater for workers with overweight or obesity than for those with normal weight. Family history of myocardial infarction was directly associated with CR, while physical activity was inversely associated. In models with interactions of gender and physical activity, this relation was observed only for men.
Conclusions. Results show an inverse association between the lifestyle factor of physical activity and CR.
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