2010, Number 2
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Arch Inv Mat Inf 2010; 2 (2)
Cáncer de mama: Etapa clínica en la que se realiza el diagnóstico y tipos histológicos más frecuentes en mujeres que acuden a un hospital de segundo nivel
Castillo GM, Ávila EJF
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 85-90
PDF size: 157.51 Kb.
Introduction: Breast cancer represents a challenge in public health in our country, because it is the leading cause of cancer death. Nationally, breast cancer, the second step to the top of death from malignant tumors in 2006, according to the National Histopathological Registry. Early diagnosis of breast cancer is crucial if we are to reduce the high rate of deaths due to this disease. A large percentage of breast cancers are diagnosed in Mexico in advanced stages (III or IV).
Objective: To determine the clinical stage in which was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Material and methods: Case series. We reviewed the cases of breast cancer were presented at the Hospital of Gynecology and Obstetrics IMIEM during the period from January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2009, it included all the patients who diagnosis is performed within the institution and excluded cases that went to the hospital with a diagnosis already established.
Results: A total of 28 cases of breast cancer of which 14% (4 patients) had a diagnosis and 25% of cases of breast cancer was found in advanced clinical stage (clinical stage III).
Conclusions: In the hospital 75% of cases are diagnosed in stages 0 and II, 25% of cases are found in advanced stage (clinical stage III). In clinical stage I and IV, there was no patient. The clinical stage of diagnosis was the most common clinical stage II, which represented 61% of the population.
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