2007, Number 80
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Rev Enfer Infec Pediatr 2007; 20.21 (80)
Causal agents of early and late-onset neonatal sepsis: a ten years review in the 'Hospital Infantil Privado'
Saltigeral SP, Valenzuela FAMC, Avendaño BE, Plascencia IS, Martínez ND
Language: Spanish
References: 55
Page: 99-105
PDF size: 99.41 Kb.
Objective: to describe the profiles of the etiologic agents in neonatal sepsis in the Hospital Infantil Privado(HIP) in ten years.
Material and methods: we realized a cross-sectional study and revised all the stream blood. The microorganisms were classified in agents of early and late-onset neonatal sepsis. The analysis was realized in two lapses: from 1995 to 1999 and from 2000 to 2004. The resistance profiles were investigated by complete period (ten years). The frequency of the microorganisms was compared with chi-square test (p ‹0.05).
Results: we revised 1,367 stream blood; 220 (16%) were positive: 12.7% corresponded to early sepsis and 87.3% to late-onset sepsis. Fifty-six percent of patients were males. Most frequent agents were
S. coagulasa negative (48.2%)
Staphylococcus epidermidis and
Candida sp. (10.5%). In late-onset sepsis,
S. aureus,
Ps. aeuriginosa and
Enterococcus faecalis increment from 4.6% to 9.6%, 4.6% to 7.8% and 2.8% to 7.2%, respectively (p›0.05);
K. pneumoniae diminished from 7.3% to 4.8% (p›0.05). The resistance profiles (10 years) were:
S. aureus was resistant 31% to oxaciline;
K. pneumoniae, 47% to amikacin, 18% to cefotaxime, 6% to ceftazidime and 5% to gentamicin;
E. cloacae, 33% to cefotaxime, 42% to gentamicin, 75% to ceftriaxone, 90% to ceftazidime and 90% to amikacin.
Conclusions: this study emphasizes the necessity to carry out local studies of microbiology surveillance to identify the agents involved in the infections, to recognize outbreaks and to monitor the changes through the time that it influences in the election of the empiric treatment in neonatal sepsis.
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