2003, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2003; 41 (6)
Use and Abuse of Home Oxygen Prescription
Méndez R, Vázquez SBP, Díaz VM, Barquera S, Múgica HeJJ
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 473-480
PDF size: 169.73 Kb.
Objective: to determine adequate prescription of Domiciliary supplementary oxygen therapy prescription (DSOTP) at La Raza National Medical Center (RNMC).
Methods: patient files on DSOTP during 1998 were identified from RNMC and information with regard to criteria for making decisions was collected from medical records. An adequate prescription of DSOTP was defined if ≥ two respiratory insufficiency (RI) criteria existed.
Results: during the period, 38 461 DSOTP prescriptions were given to 2198 users. The highest percentage of prescription was for COPD (44 %). A total of 42 % of cases did not include gasometry in medical records and 9 % had normal oxygen levels. Only 38 % had ≥ two RI parameters.
Conclusion: information obtained showed non-existence of adherence to international guidelines of DSOTP use in 42 % of study sample. Spreading and adhering to guidelines for prescription in these cases could produce significant savings to the national health system.
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