2003, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2003; 41 (6)
Attributions to and Beliefs Concerning Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Garza EME, Calderón DC,Salinas MAM, Núñez RG, Villarreal RE
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 465-472
PDF size: 122.21 Kb.
Objective: to identify in type 2 diabetics the cultural domain of causal attributions for the origin and evolution of disease symptoms, and causal attributions for origin of complications in complicated patients.
Materials and methods: three hundred fifty patients with type 2 diabetes were chosen at random from a Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS); they were aged 25 years and older and resided in a metropolitan area of Northeastern Mexico. Following a free-listing technique, patients were asked at home about causal attributions of interest. Information generated was subjected to descriptive and qualitative statistics.
Results: responses showed 25 causal attributions to the origin of the disease, among which “due to a scare” predominated. Low cultural importance values were observed regardless of the stratum studied. The attribute inheritance was predominant among males with junior high + education, remunerated occupation, and family history of diabetes. Six of 10 expressed they felt better after treatment. Medication was the dominant attribute regardless of stratum. A minority group expressed they felt the same or worse. The cultural domain indicated an increase in glucose levels.
Conclusions: several attributes were observed. It is of the utmost importance that health personnel take into account patients’ beliefs and attributes for them to achieve a higher impact in their job performance.
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