Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 255-262
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Background: The metabolic syndrome is a problem of public health, its major physiopathogenic feature is insulin resistance, however there are subjects with insulin resistance without metabolic syndrome and we ignore their cardiometabolic implications.
Objective: To determine the clinical, metabolic, vascular and depression features of patients without metabolic syndrome with and without insulin resistance.
Methods. Seventy six patients without SM according to the NCEP were included, the RI was evaluated by means of the HOMA, the endothelial function was measured in the brachial artery and thickness of the carotid intimate-media by arterial ultrasound; and depression by means of the Beck inventory.
Results. Twenty six subjects with RI and 50 without RI were detected, the RI had a bigger proportion of women, they were of smaller age, and they had bigger values of IMC, waist, fasting glycaemia, fasting insulin, HOMA, TG, leukocytes, linfocites, SBP, and components of the SM; but they had smaller levels of C-HDL. There were not differences in CT, C-LDL, microalbuminuria, uric acid, DBP, endothelial function, I-M C and depression. In those wth RI, the insulin but not the glucose correlated with the HOMA, and inversely with the endothelial function. In the cases without RI, there were positive correlations among insulin, glucose, IMC, abdominal perimeter and the number of components of the SM and the HOMA. The low C-HDL was the biggest marker of risk of RI.
Conclusions: The patients with RI without SM seem to be an intermediate stadium toward SM with obesity as the main precursor and the C-HDL as the main marker.
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