2009, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2009; 17 (3)
Subcutaneous Via: an Option for the Terminal Patient when is not Suiteable
Bautista-Eugenio V, Salinas-Cruz J
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 149-152
PDF size: 37.52 Kb.
The patient with a terminal disease requires greater support and attention. He goes through a lot of medical processes until he gets the proper atention. The oral via is the first option for the administration of medications and fluids. However, in some circumstances this is not possible. In these cases, the patient will require other alternatives; the subcutaneous via is an excellent option.
The subcutaneous via has a classic use in the administration of insuline, heparine and vaccines. It comes to be a simple, efficient, safe, and inexpensive method; with a good acceptance from the patients family since it permits home care. It was proposed by the WHO. In relation to medications and the control of symptoms in this type ofpatients when available subcutaneasly. The use of this via may show complications like erythema and hardening, of the vein leaking and infections. It permits home care of the dehydrated patient. It is an alternative method for safe hydration with a low complexity.
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