2009, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2009; 17 (2)
Social support and productive activities in enderly from fringe areas
Salazar-Barajas ME, Cruz-Quevedo JE, Salazar-González BC, Vega-Alanís MC
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 63-68
PDF size: 44.28 Kb.
Background: the social relationship and the productive activities give to elderly satisfaction and promotes good behavior and health.
Objective: to describe the structure of the social relationships and productive activities that are performed by older people in a marginal area in Matamoros, Tamaulipas.
Methodology: a descriptive study was done in 214 older adults between 60 and 93 years from a marginal area. The Scale of Structure of Social Relationships and the Index of Productive Activities was used. The analysis was done through descriptive statistics.
Results: older adults have a wide diversity of contacts, but their interaction is low. The neighbors are the figures who they have more contact. Older adults have few productive activities, and they invest the most of their time on those.
Conclusions: it shows the importance of figures non parental related who might be the bridge between the older adult and resources from the society. Data of few activitiesand a big amount of hours dedicated to those contrast with reported studies where the older adults participate in a major number of in and out home activities. The influence of the social relationships structure, participation, and social commitment for personal contacts is what substitutes the scarcity of material goods.
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