2010, Number 1
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Med Cutan Iber Lat Am 2010; 38 (1)
Dermatitis herpetiformis. Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment
Iranzo FP
Language: Spanish
References: 53
Page: 5-15
PDF size: 609.80 Kb.
Dermatitis herpetiformis is a rare autoimmune bullous disease. Because the clinical lesions could be polimorphous, and the pathological changes are no specific in a high percentage of cases, it is often misdiagnosed if direct immunofluorescence study and other complementary tests are not performed. It is considered as a cutaneous manifestation of a gluten-sensitive enteropathy, asymptomatic in most of the patients. It is often associated with other autoimmune diseases and there is also an increased risk of non Hodgkin T cell lymphoma. Its accurate diagnosis is established clinically, and with tisular (cutaneous biopsy, direct immunofluporescence) and serological test(antibodies against endomisio, tisular transglutaminase and epidermal transglutaminase). The mainstay of treatment is a strict gluten free diet, that must be instaured as early as possible with the aim of to avoid further complications and must be lifelong continued. Dapsone and other drugs may be used until the gluten free diet is effective.
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