2003, Number 3
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Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex 2003; 16 (3)
Past, present and future of tuberculosis diagnostic techniques.
Zenteno CR
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 181-186
PDF size: 60.54 Kb.
With 10 million new cases and 3 million deaths worldwide, tuberculosis (TB) remains as one of the most important infectocontagious disease and with severe impact on public health, and demands immediate attention, according to health institutions.
Until now the national and global efforts to fight against TB have been focused on two issues: 1) identification of baciloscopic-positive individuals and, 2) incorporation of these patients into directly observed short-coursetreatment programs. These programs have been successful in the control and decrease of infections, however, the role of conventional diagnosis systems to identify negative-sputum, extrapulmonary TB and latent infection patients is not clear; it is therefore important to question the future role of diagnosis techniques in TB control and eradication programs.
The main objective of this review is to describe and evaluate conventional techniques, the new proposals for diagnosis of tuberculosis and the need to incorporate them in future control and elimination programs.
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