2003, Number 2
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Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex 2003; 16 (2)
Tobacco consumption. From the Mayas to the 21st century. Some viewpoints.
Cicero SR, Staines CL, Cicero FP
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 103-107
PDF size: 81.00 Kb.
Smoking habit is a frequent subject of scientific publications and news in the media. The literature on this subject is immense. But the majority of people, even of physicians, ignore the characteristics of the tobacco as a plant and in the same way, the rules to limit authorized places to smoking and the rights of non smokers to breath an air free of tobacco smoke.
Some data on this habit are presented. The rule of pulmonologist as educator on the risks of smoke tobacco is stressed.
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