2010, Number 1
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Rev Mex Anest 2010; 33 (1)
The evolution of neuro-critical care in Mexico
Porcayo-Liborio S, Rivera-Durón E, Orta-San-Juan D
Language: English
References: 42
Page: 50-55
PDF size: 57.56 Kb.
Neurointensivism is a discipline of critical care medicine which was born in the second half of the 20th Century as a response to the need to provide a better standard of medical care to patients who suffer from neurological disease. In Latin America, and specially in Mexico, the birth and spread of a neurointesivist medical culture has been a great catalyst for the recognition and implementation of Neurological Intensive Care Units and thus improving the provision of care to neurological patients. We describe historical aspects and evolution of neurocritical care in Latin America, specially in Mexico.
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