1994, Number 4
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Vet Mex 1994; 25 (4)
Mercury concentration and histological findings in four tilapia Oreochromis sp organs after topical administration of thimerosal
Vázquez HRM, Ocádiz TR, Auró OA, Hernández GR, Rosiles MR, Rivas SN
Language: English/Spanish
References: 36
Page: 333-336
PDF size: 425.02 Kb.
Text Extraction
Lesions caused by the topical administration of thimerosal on tilapia (
Oreochromis sp) skin were evaluated. Forty five tilapia were divided in 3 groups: Two experimental ones and a control one. The first group was topically treated with thimerosal during 4 days followed by 10 days of rest; the second group was treated eight days, and 6 days of rest and the control group was treated only with the vehycle for 8 days and 6 of rest. Two days after finishing, two fish of each group were killed in order to take samples from gills, kidney, liver, muscle and the water from aquariums to determine Hg concentrations and histological lesions. Results show that the mean concentration of Hg was: In group 1: Water, 0.16 ppm; gills, 3.142 ppm; muscle, 2.745 ppm; liver, 2.129 ppm and kidney, 0.224 ppm. In group 2: Water, 0.5 ppm; muscle, 6.365 ppm; gills, 1.725 ppm; liver, 0.322 ppm and kidney 0.058 ppm. Histological lesions were: Hyperplasia of gills lammellae with infiltrated heterophyls, coagulative necrosis in liver and kidney and endosomes in hepatocites and proximal and distal contorned tubules. Statistic analisis showed significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) between treated groups and the control one. Damage in gills, liver and kidney, and high concentrations of Hg in muscle may be an adverse colateral effect of topical treatment with thimerosal in fish.
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