2009, Number 4
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Rev Med Hosp Gen Mex 2009; 72 (4)
Emotional intelligence in residents of the Hospital General de Mexico
García-García JA, García-García GE, Arnaud-Viñas MR, González-Martínez JF, Arámbula-Morales EG, Mendoza-Guerrero JA
Language: Spanish
References: 70
Page: 178-186
PDF size: 108.43 Kb.
Introduction: Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as the ability to perceive, assimilate, understand and regulate our emotions as well as those of the people around us.
Objectives: To measure the EI of medical residents at the Hospital General de México, SSA and to detect their weaknesses.
Material and methods: There are several methods to evaluate EI. We applied the III.5 version of the Q-metrics Test to newly admitted medical residents of our hospital.
Results: There were statistically significant differences in the following results (
p ‹ 0.05): Women showed better management of constructive discontent; men had better intention level; residents coming from universities in México City had better management of emotional pressures and better interpersonal connections; younger doctors had more emotional flexibility and better control of personal power; better academic yield was associated with better quality of life and better control of intuition; women showed better interpersonal connections and men a lower confidence ratio.
Conclusions: This paper deals with fields not previously explored in relation to medical resident’s EI, i.e. the differences between gender, age, medical specialty choice and academic yield. The results are thoroughly discussed.
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