2009, Number 3
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2009; 10 (3)
Prácticas éticas en la comercialización y consumo de alimentos saludables en el siglo XXI
Galván M
Language: Spanish
References: 30
PDF size: 90.66 Kb.
The purpose of food consumption could simply be to sustain life, to maintain a healthy lifestyle individually and socially, which would be enough to fully develop intellectual and artistic capabilities in a human being. The changes in the patterns of food consumption and sedentarity have incremented the prevalence of obesity and non transmissible chronic diseases. The food industry has been accused as being the promoter of unhealthy lifestyles, due to the fact that the vast majority of their products are of high energetic density and it´s introduction to the food culture is done frequently through tricky publicity campaigns affecting mainly the infant public. So from here arises the necessity to implement laws in support of public health in order to create conditions that allow people to have equal conditions to aspire for a healthier lifestyle, where the government has the power and duty to regulate the private sector with the object of protecting the health of it´s population. There are various experiences in many countries where the addition of sodium, sugars, trans and saturated fats have been limited as well as being marked with low, medium and high content, which has been more effective in orientating the consumer, and even the publicity of children´s products has been banned from the mass media. In Finland the restrictions imposed to the food industry and the direct stimulation towards healthy foods applied throughout 30 years have decreased 85 percent of the mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases. Only the full exercise of the right of the people to be informed, receive education and formation in terms of food consumption can contribute to the acquisition of healthy eating habits and lifestyles in the twenty first century.
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