2001, Number 5
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Salud Mental 2001; 24 (5)
El alcohol como factor de riesgo en accidentes vehiculares y peatonales
Casanova L , Borges G, Mondragón L, Medina-Mora ME, Cherpitel C
Language: Spanish
References: 101
Page: 3-11
PDF size: 168.58 Kb.
Alcohol consumption is a risk factor for motor vehicle fatalities.However, in Mexico there are few surveys about the alcohol consumption role in the no-fatal vehicle accidents. The aim of this research was to study the risk of suffering vehicle accidents under the effects of alcohol in patients attending emergency rooms (ER) in three hospitals located in the city of Pachuca, the three of them depending from the Hidalgo Health Ministry. The design consisted of a case-control study. Cases were patients attending emergency rooms due to injuries caused by car accidents (n = 112); controls were residents from the city of Pachuca (n = 920). In both samples participated men and women from 18 to 65 years, who answered a standardized questionnaire in an individual face to face interview. The following information was obtained through the interview: sociodemographic characteristics, alcohol consumption patterns, drunkenness frequency, alcohol intake 6 hours prior to the event, as well as the vehicular accident characte ristics (the use of the seat belt and where they were seated at the moment of the accident). The alcosensor, which determines the alcohol level in the blood, was applied only to the cases. A total of 112 patients were injured in automobile accidents. When comparing the sociodemographic characteristics of the two samples, it was found that 66% of the patients were men. In the population survey the majority were women (54.8%) (X2 =17.41, p =.000). The predominant age group was younger than 39 years in both samples. According to the alcosensor, 13.4% of the patients had positive alcohol lectures in blood, and 14.6% of the cases accepted they had consumed alcohol 6 hours prior to the accident (odds ratios = 8.60 with a confidence interval = 4.00- 18.49). No associations were found either in the variables of usual alcohol consumption (in the last 12 months), nor in the alcohol dependence. The results show a close relationship between the prior alcohol intake and the motor vehicle accidents. The alcohol consumption prior to the event is a more important factor than the habitual alcohol consumption, or alcohol dependence. From the public health point of view, this means that not only the subjects with alcohol use disorders are in risk of accidents, but all persons who present alcohol intoxication episodes.
1.BEGG DJ, LANGLEY JD: Road traffic practices among a cohort of young adults in New Zealand. N Z Med J, 112(1080): 9-12, 1999.
2.BORGES G, GARCIA G, GILL A, VANDALE S: Casualties in Acapulco: results of a study of alcohol use and emergency room care. Drug Alcohol Depend, 36:1-7, 1994.
3.BORGES G, CHERPITEL CH, MEDINA-MORA ME, MONDRAGON L, CASANOVA L: Alcohol consumption in emergency room patients and the general population: A population-based study. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 22(9):1986-1991,1998.
4.BORGES G, MEDINA-MORA ME, CHERPITEL CH, CASANOVA L, MONDRAGON L, ROMERO M: Consumo de bebidas alcohólicas en pacientes de los servicios de urgencias de la ciudad de Pachuca, Hidalgo. Salud Publica Mex, 41(1):3-11,1999.
5.CHERPITEL CJ: Drinking patterns and problems: A comparison of ER patients in an HMO and in the general population. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 16(6):1104-1109, 1992.
6.CHERPITEL CJ: Alcohol and injuries: A review of international emergency room studies. Addiction, 88(7):923- 937, 1993.
7.CHERPITEL CH: Injury and the role of alcohol: Countywide emergency room data. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 18(3):679-684, 1994.
8.CHERPITEL CH: Cause of casualty and drinking patterns: An emergency room, study of unintentional injuries. Drug Alcohol Depend, 35(1):61-67, 1994.
9.CHERPITEL CH, PARES A, RODES J, ROSOVSKY H: Validity of self-reported alcohol consumption in the emergency room: Data from the United States, Mexico and Spain. J Stud Alcohol, 53(3):203-207, 1992.
EWING JA: Detecting alcoholism: The CAGE questionnaire. J Am Med. Assoc, 252(14):1905-1907, 1984.
FRENK J, LOZANO R, GONZALEZ M: Economía y Salud: Propuesta para el Avance del Sistema de Salud en México. Informe Final. Fundación Mexicana para la Salud, México, 1994.
GARCIA G, BORGES G: El alcohol y el riesgo de traumatismos en tres servicios de urgencias de Acapulco, México. Bol Sanit Panam, 111(3):231-239, 1991.
GUERIN P: Motor vehicle crashes in New Mexico: Developing risk profiles utilizing alcohol involvement and race/ethnicity. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59(3):967-A-968-A, 1998.
HICKS GJ, DAVIS JW, HICKS RA: Fatal alcohol-related traffic crashes increase subsequent to changes to and from daylight savings time. Part I. Percept Mot Skills, 86(3)1:879-882, 1998.
HIJAR M, TAPIA JR, LOZANO R, CHAVEZ R: Violencia y lesiones. Salud Mental, 15(1):15-23, 1992.
HIJAR M, FLORES M, LOPEZ MV: Cinturón de seguridad y gravedad de lesiones en accidentes de tráfico en carretera. Salud Pública Mex, 38(2):118-127, 1996.
HIJAR M, FLORES M, LOPEZ MV, ROSOVSKY H: Alcohol intake and severity of injuries on highways in Mexico: a comparative analysis. Addiction, 93(10):1543-1551, 1998.
HOLDER H: Drinking, alcohol availability and injuries: A systems model of complex relationships. En: Drinking and Casualties, Accidents, Poisonings and Violence in an International Perspective. Giesbretch N, González R, Grant M, Oaterberg
E, Room R, Rootman I, Towle L (eds). Tavistock/Routledge, 133-148, Londres y Nueva York, 1989.
KOZARIC-KOVACIC D, GRUBISIC LLIC M: Alcoholintoxicated participants in traffic accidents in the Republic 1.BEGG DJ, LANGLEY JD: Road traffic practices among a cohort of young adults in New Zealand. N Z Med J, 112(1080):9-12, 1999.
2.BORGES G, GARCIA G, GILL A, VANDALE S: Casualties in Acapulco: results of a study of alcohol use and emergency room care. Drug Alcohol Depend, 36:1-7, 1994.
3.BORGES G, CHERPITEL CH, MEDINA-MORA ME, MONDRAGON L, CASANOVA L: Alcohol consumption in emergency room patients and the general population: A population-based study. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 22(9):1986-1991,1998.
4.BORGES G, MEDINA-MORA ME, CHERPITEL CH, CASANOVA L, MONDRAGON L, ROMERO M: Consumo de bebidas alcohólicas en pacientes de los servicios de urgencias de la ciudad de Pachuca, Hidalgo. Salud Publica Mex, 41(1):3-11,1999.
5.CHERPITEL CJ: Drinking patterns and problems: A comparison of ER patients in an HMO and in the general population. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 16(6):1104-1109, 1992.
6.CHERPITEL CJ: Alcohol and injuries: A review of international emergency room studies. Addiction, 88(7):923- 937, 1993.
7.CHERPITEL CH: Injury and the role of alcohol: Countywide emergency room data. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 18(3):679- 684, 1994.
8.CHERPITEL CH: Cause of casualty and drinking patterns: An emergency room, study of unintentional injuries. Drug Alcohol Depend, 35(1):61-67, 1994.
9.CHERPITEL CH, PARES A, RODES J, ROSOVSKY H: Validity of self-reported alcohol consumption in the emergency room: Data from the United States, Mexico and Spain. J Stud Alcohol, 53(3):203-207, 1992.
EWING JA: Detecting alcoholism: The CAGE questionnaire. J Am Med. Assoc, 252(14):1905-1907, 1984.
FRENK J, LOZANO R, GONZALEZ M: Economía y Salud: Propuesta para el Avance del Sistema de Salud en México. Informe Final. Fundación Mexicana para la Salud, México, 1994.
GARCIA G, BORGES G: El alcohol y el riesgo de traumatismos en tres servicios de urgencias de Acapulco, México. Bol Sanit Panam, 111(3):231-239, 1991.
GUERIN P: Motor vehicle crashes in New Mexico: Developing risk profiles utilizing alcohol involvement and race/ethnicity. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59(3):967-A-968-A, 1998.
HICKS GJ, DAVIS JW, HICKS RA: Fatal alcohol-related traffic crashes increase subsequent to changes to and from daylight savings time. Part I. Percept Mot Skills, 86(3)1:879-882, 1998.
HIJAR M, TAPIA JR, LOZANO R, CHAVEZ R: Violencia y lesiones. Salud Mental, 15(1):15-23, 1992.
HIJAR M, FLORES M, LOPEZ MV: Cinturón de seguridad y gravedad de lesiones en accidentes de tráfico en carretera. Salud Pública Mex, 38(2):118-127, 1996.
HIJAR M, FLORES M, LOPEZ MV, ROSOVSKY H: Alcohol intake and severity of injuries on highways in Mexico: a comparative analysis. Addiction, 93(10):1543-1551, 1998.
HOLDER H: Drinking, alcohol availability and injuries: A systems model of complex relationships. En: Drinking and Casualties, Accidents, Poisonings and Violence in an International Perspective. Giesbretch N, González R, Grant M, OaterbergE, Room R, Rootman I, Towle L (eds). Tavistock/Routledge,133-148, Londres y Nueva York, 1989.
KOZARIC-KOVACIC D, GRUBISIC LLIC M: Alcoholintoxicated participants in traffic accidents in the Republic of Croatia in the period 1995-1997. Alcoholism. J Alcohol Relat Addictions, 35(1-2):3-12, 1999.
LOPEZ JL, ROSOVSKY H, NARVAEZ A, CASANOVA L, RODRIGUEZ E, GIL A: Estudio epidemiológico sobre las urgencias hospitalarias asociadas al consumo de alcohol. Psicopatología (Madrid), 11(4):149-155, 1991.
LOPEZ J, ROSOVSKY H, NARVAEZ A, CASANOVA L, RODRIGUEZ E, JUAREZ F, BARRIOS D: Características de la población que solicita atención en los servicios de urgencias y su relación con el consumo de alcohol en la ciudad de México. Salud Mental, 14(1):19-24, 1991.
LOPEZ J, ROSOVSKY H: El papel que desempeña el alcohol en los motivos por los que se les da atención en los servicios de urgencia, y estimación del riesgo asociado en los traumatismos. Salud Mental, 21(3):32-38, 1998.
MCDONOUGH: Evaluation of the Alcosensor III. Breath Alcohol Tester for Evidenctial use in IDAHO. Dep of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Lab Forensic Sec, (208):1-9, 1984.
MEDINA-MORA ME: Los conceptos de uso, abuso, dependencia y su medición. En: Tapia-Conyer R (ed). Las Adicciones. Manual Moderno, 25-55, México, 1994.
MEDINA-MORA ME, MORON MA, ROJAS E, CARREÑO S, MARTINEZ N, JUAREZ F: El abuso de alcohol, antecedentes y consecuencias: evaluación de un modelo de intervención. En: Psicología Iberoamericana. Nueva Época, Universidad Iberoamericana, 7(4),36-46, México, 1999.
MENESES F, REA R, RUIZ C, HERNANDEZ M: Accidentes y lesiones en cuatro hospitales generales del Distrito Federal. Salud Pública Mex, 35(5):448-454, 1993.
MILLAR WJ: Accidents in Canada, 1988-1993. Health Rep, 7(2):7-16, 1995.
MORTALIDAD: Secretaria de Salud, Dirección General de Estadística e Informática, México, 1996.
ODERO W: Alcohol-related road traffic injuries in Eldoret, Kenya. East Afr Med J, 75(12):708-711, 1998.
OLIVARES C: Mortalidad por accidentes de tránsito. Distrito Federal, México. Salud Pública Mex, 25(4):307-319, 1983.
ORGANIZACION PANAMERICANA DE LA SALUD. ORGANIZACION MUNDIAL DE LA SALUD: Las condiciones de salud en las Américas. En: Publicación Científica, Vol.I (549):453, México, 1994.
PEÑUELAS J, LEO-AMADOR G, FERNIZA-MATTAR E: Efectividad del cinturón de seguridad en el automóvil. Salud Pública Mex, 31(4):469-472, 1989.
ROIZEN J: Alcohol and trauma. En: Drinking and Casualties, Accidents, Poisonings and Violence in an International Perspective. Giesbretch N, González R, Grant M, Oaterberg E, Room R, Rootman I, Towle L (eds). Tavistock/Routledge. 21-66, Londres y Nueva York, 1989.
ROSOVSKY H, LOPEZ JL: Violencia y accidentes relacionados con el consumo de alcohol en la población registrada en una agencia investigadora de Ministerio Público del DF. Salud Mental, 9(3):72-76, 1986.
ROSOVKY H, GARCIA G, LOPEZ J, NARVAEZ A: El papel del consumo de alcohol en las urgencias médicas y traumáticas. IV Reunión de Investigación. Instituto Mexicano de Psiquiatría, 22:261-267, 1988.
ROSOVSKY H, BORGES G: Accidentes y alcohol en Amé- rica Latina. En: Adicciones, Hacia un Enfoque Multidisciplinario. Secretaría de Salud/Consejo Nacional contra las Adicciones, 2:147-157, México, 1993.
RUSSELL M, MARITER SS, SOKOL RJ, MUDAR P, BOTTOMS S, JACOBSON S, JACOBSON J: Screening for pregnancy risk-drinking. Alcoholism Clin Exp Res, 18:1156- 1161, 1994.
SECRETARIA DE SALUD. DIRECCION GENERAL DE ESTADISTICA E INFORMATICA: Principales resultados de la estadística sobre mortalidad por accidentes en México, 1997. Salud Pública Mex, 41(1):71-81, 1999.
SMART RG, OGBORNE C: Alcohol problems in Canada today. Capítulo 7. Northern Spirits. A Social History of Alcohol in Canada. Addiction Res Found, 113-132, Canadá, 1996.
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Authorize Core Version 1.1. Ginebra, 1993.
ZADOR PL: Alcohol-related relative risk of fatal driver injuries in relation to driver age and sex. J Stud Alcohol, 52(4):302- 310, 1991.
BEGG DJ, LANGLEY JD: Road traffic practices among a cohort of young adults in New Zealand. N Z Med J, 112(1080): 9-12, 1999.
BORGES G, GARCIA G, GILL A, VANDALE S: Casualties in Acapulco: results of a study of alcohol use and emergency room care. Drug Alcohol Depend, 36:1-7, 1994.
BORGES G, CHERPITEL CH, MEDINA-MORA ME, MONDRAGON L, CASANOVA L: Alcohol consumption in emergency room patients and the general population: A population-based study. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 22(9):1986-1991, 1998.
BORGES G, MEDINA-MORA ME, CHERPITEL CH, CASANOVA L, MONDRAGON L, ROMERO M: Consumo de bebidas alcohólicas en pacientes de los servicios de urgencias de la ciudad de Pachuca, Hidalgo. Salud Publica Mex, 41(1):3-11,1999.
CHERPITEL CJ: Drinking patterns and problems: A comparison of ER patients in an HMO and in the general population. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 16(6):1104-1109, 1992.
CHERPITEL CJ: Alcohol and injuries: A review of international emergency room studies. Addiction, 88(7):923-937, 1993.
CHERPITEL CH: Injury and the role of alcohol: Countywide emergency room data. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 18(3):679-684, 1994.
CHERPITEL CH: Cause of casualty and drinking patterns: An emergency room, study of unintentional injuries. Drug Alcohol Depend, 35(1):61-67, 1994.
CHERPITEL CH, PARES A, RODES J, ROSOVSKY H: Validity of self-reported alcohol consumption in the emergency room: Data from the United States, Mexico and Spain. J Stud Alcohol, 53(3):203-207, 1992.
EWING JA: Detecting alcoholism: The CAGE questionnaire. J Am Med. Assoc, 252(14):1905-1907, 1984.
FRENK J, LOZANO R, GONZALEZ M: Economía y Salud: Propuesta para el Avance del Sistema de Salud en México. Informe Final. Fundación Mexicana para la Salud, México, 1994.
GARCIA G, BORGES G: El alcohol y el riesgo de traumatismos en tres servicios de urgencias de Acapulco, México. Bol Sanit Panam, 111(3):231-239, 1991.
GUERIN P: Motor vehicle crashes in New Mexico: Developing risk profiles utilizing alcohol involvement and race/ethnicity. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59(3):967- A-968-A, 1998.
HICKS GJ, DAVIS JW, HICKS RA: Fatal alcohol-related traffic crashes increase subsequent to changes to and from daylight savings time. Part I. Percept Mot Skills, 86(3)1:879-882, 1998.
HIJAR M, TAPIA JR, LOZANO R, CHAVEZ R: Violencia y lesiones. Salud Mental, 15(1):15-23, 1992.
HIJAR M, FLORES M, LOPEZ MV: Cinturón de seguridad y gravedad de lesiones en accidentes de tráfico en carretera. Salud Pública Mex, 38(2):118-127, 1996.
HIJAR M, FLORES M, LOPEZ MV, ROSOVSKY H: Alcohol intake and severity of injuries on highways in Mexico: a comparative analysis. Addiction, 93(10):1543-1551, 1998.
HOLDER H: Drinking, alcohol availability and injuries: A systems model of complex relationships. En: Drinking and Casualties, Accidents, Poisonings and Violence in an International Perspective. Giesbretch N, González R, Grant M, Oaterberg E, Room R, Rootman I, Towle L (eds). Tavistock/Routledge, 133-148, Londres y Nueva York, 1989.
KOZARIC-KOVACIC D, GRUBISIC LLIC M: Alcoholintoxicated participants in traffic accidents in the Republic of Croatia in the period 1995-1997. Alcoholism. J Alcohol Relat Addictions, 35(1-2):3-12, 1999.
LOPEZ JL, ROSOVSKY H, NARVAEZ A, CASANOVA L, RODRIGUEZ E, GIL A: Estudio epidemiológico sobre las urgencias hospitalarias asociadas al consumo de alcohol. Psicopatología (Madrid), 11(4):149-155, 1991.
LOPEZ J, ROSOVSKY H, NARVAEZ A, CASANOVA L, RODRIGUEZ E, JUAREZ F, BARRIOS D: Características de la población que solicita atención en los servicios de urgencias y su relación con el consumo de alcohol en la ciudad de México. Salud Mental, 14(1):19-24, 1991.
LOPEZ J, ROSOVSKY H: El papel que desempeña el alcohol en los motivos por los que se les da atención en los servicios de urgencia, y estimación del riesgo asociado en los traumatismos. Salud Mental, 21(3):32-38, 1998.
MCDONOUGH: Evaluation of the Alcosensor III. Breath Alcohol Tester for Evidenctial use in IDAHO. Dep of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Lab Forensic Sec, (208):1-9, 1984.
MEDINA-MORA ME: Los conceptos de uso, abuso, dependencia y su medición. En: Tapia-Conyer R (ed). Las Adicciones. Manual Moderno, 25-55, México, 1994.
MEDINA-MORA ME, MORON MA, ROJAS E, CARREÑO S, MARTINEZ N, JUAREZ F: El abuso de alcohol, antecedentes y consecuencias: evaluación de un modelo de intervención. En: Psicología Iberoamericana. Nueva Época, Universidad Iberoamericana, 7(4),36-46, México, 1999.
MENESES F, REA R, RUIZ C, HERNANDEZ M: Accidentes y lesiones en cuatro hospitales generales del Distrito Federal. Salud Pública Mex, 35(5):448-454, 1993.
MILLAR WJ: Accidents in Canada, 1988-1993. Health Rep, 7(2):7-16, 1995.
MORTALIDAD: Secretaria de Salud, Dirección General de Estadística e Informática, México, 1996.
ODERO W: Alcohol-related road traffic injuries in Eldoret, Kenya. East Afr Med J, 75(12):708-711, 1998.
OLIVARES C: Mortalidad por accidentes de tránsito. Distrito Federal, México. Salud Pública Mex, 25(4):307-319, 1983.
ORGANIZACION PANAMERICANA DE LA SALUD. ORGANIZACION MUNDIAL DE LA SALUD: Las condiciones de salud en las Américas. En: Publicación Científica, Vol. I (549):453, México, 1994.
PEÑUELAS J, LEO-AMADOR G, FERNIZA-MATTAR E: Efectividad del cinturón de seguridad en el automóvil. Salud Pública Mex, 31(4):469-472, 1989.
ROIZEN J: Alcohol and trauma. En: Drinking and Casualties, Accidents, Poisonings and Violence in an International Perspective. Giesbretch N, González R, Grant M, Oaterberg E, Room R, Rootman I, Towle L (eds). Tavistock/Routledge. 21-66, Londres y Nueva York, 1989.
ROSOVSKY H, LOPEZ JL: Violencia y accidentes relacionados con el consumo de alcohol en la población registrada en una agencia investigadora de Ministerio Público del DF. Salud Mental, 9(3):72-76, 1986.
ROSOVKY H, GARCIA G, LOPEZ J, NARVAEZ A: El papel del consumo de alcohol en las urgencias médicas y traumáticas. IV Reunión de Investigación. Instituto Mexicano de Psiquiatría, 22:261-267, 1988.
ROSOVSKY H, BORGES G: Accidentes y alcohol en América Latina. En: Adicciones, Hacia un Enfoque Multidisciplinario. Secretaría de Salud/Consejo Nacional contra las Adicciones, 2:147-157, México, 1993.
RUSSELL M, MARITER SS, SOKOL RJ, MUDAR P, BOTTOMS S, JACOBSON S, JACOBSON J: Screening for pregnancy risk-drinking. Alcoholism Clin Exp Res, 18:1156-1161, 1994.
SECRETARIA DE SALUD. DIRECCION GENERAL DE ESTADISTICA E INFORMATICA: Principales resultados de la estadística sobre mortalidad por accidentes en México, 1997. Salud Pública Mex, 41(1):71-81, 1999.
SMART RG, OGBORNE C: Alcohol problems in Canada today. Capítulo 7. Northern Spirits. A Social History of Alcohol in Canada. Addiction Res Found, 113-132, Canadá, 1996.
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Authorize Core Version 1.1. Ginebra, 1993.
ZADOR PL: Alcohol-related relative risk of fatal driver injuries in relation to driver age and sex. J Stud Alcohol, 52(4):302-310, 1991.