2001, Number 4
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Salud Mental 2001; 24 (4)
Análisis neuropsicológico de las características cognoscitivas de un grupo de adolescentes con trastorno por déficit de atención
Galindo VG, Peña F, Rosa N, Robles E, Salvador J, Cortés JF
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 50-57
PDF size: 143.29 Kb.
According to the bibliography, little is known about the neuropsychological characteristics of patients with attention deficit disorder (ADD), and the current tendency in investigation has been centered in the study of the executive functioning, without taking into consideration other cognitive aspects. This study evaluated more widely the cognitive abilities of a group of 30 ADD adolescents (age mean = 17.1; SD = 2.1) with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and Reys Complex Figure. The different functions implied in problem solution were analyzed for generating a plausible model which could explain the interrelation of the cognitive characteristics of the group. Patients obtained a total I.Q. average within the normal range (mean = 102.3, SD = 7.5), without significative discrepancies between the values of verbal I.Q. and execution. The factorial analysis of the 11 WAIS subscales generated four factors explaining 74.1% of the total variance, two of which significantly correlated with the total I.Q alue. A trajectory analysis was also made by means of multiple lineal regression for establishing the hypothetical model to be confirmed, and an structural analisis with the AMOS program. The model obtained presented a good adjustment percentage with the empiric data (78.9%; with a 0.067 error). The copy essay score in Reys Complex Figure, as well as in the memory essay, was significantly below the established parameters for the mean of the population. Therefore, it is concluded that the WAIS I.Q. value does not discriminate the group of patients, but it discriminates the interrelations between the different subscales. Significative disorders were also found in graphic ability, which as in the disorders in excecutive functioning could also be characteristic of this type of patients, thus supporting the hypothesis of an involvement of the functioning of the right cerebral hemisphere in DAA.
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