2009, Number 4
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Rev Odont Mex 2009; 13 (4)
In vitro study: three dentin conditioners to evaluate the opening of dentine tubules in root canals
González PG, Liñán FM, Ortiz VM, Ortiz VG, Real LA, Guerrero-Lara G
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 217-223
PDF size: 226.25 Kb.
During the biomechanical preparation of the root canal, a smear layer canals is generated; different chemicals have been used to remove it. In the present study, large and straight root canals were selected of 65 extracted teeth. Three experimental groups with 20 root canals and a positive control group with 5 root canals were randomly divided. The control group was irrigated with 5.25% NaOCl as the final irrigation. The three remaining groups were irrigated with a conditioner «A» with a 17% EDTA base; a conditioner «B» with a 17% EDTA base plus cetrimide and a conditioner «C» with 17% EDTA and a surfactant; after this procedure, 5.25% NaOCl was used as the final irrigation. The samples could be observed with a scanning electronic microscope. Only conditioner «B» eliminated the smear layer successfully. Using conditioners «A» and «C», the results showed a partial elimination of the smear layer. These differences were statistically significant for the group with conditioner «B» agent using the χ
2 (P ‹ 0.05) test. Similar results were found in the apical and middle thirds of root canals.
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