2009, Number 1
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Rev Biomed 2009; 20 (1)
Pentoxifylline in the fulminant hepatitis: Report of two cases
Jiménez-Luévano MA, Cortés-Nuño S, Rocha-López AN, Cervantes-Rodríguez MTG, Bravo-Cuéllar A, Franco-Topete R, Abascal-Medina CG
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 33-39
PDF size: 0. Kb.
Introduction. Acute Hepatitis as a clinical entity caused mainly by viruses or chemical agents. Its prognostic is generally fatal, reaching up to 70-90% mortality. It is well known that in this pathology, the oxidative stress and proinflamatory cytokines (TNF α, IL-1 and IL-6) are very important factors that contribute to the negative prognostic of the disease. On the other hand, besides the haemorrhogical effects of pentoxyphillin, it also shows anti-oxidant activity and is a strong inhibitor of the proinflamatory cytokines secretion. This paper reports two paediatric cases of subacute hepatitis, caused by the hepatitis virus type A.
Clinic Cases. Hepatitis virus A, diagnosed according to the criteria of the British King’s College. Both cases were submitted for medical treatment with anti-ammonium measures with 1.5 gr of Ornitate-L-L-Aspartate by nasogastric tube, vitamin K 2 mg/12 h iv, mannitol 0.4 mg/kg/12 h iv sodium diphenylhydantoinate 3 mg/kg/8 h iv omeprazole 10 mg/12 h iv, metronidazol e 210 mg, fresh plasma, parenteral solutions with glucose at 10%, O
2 3 litres/minute and hypercaloric diet based on vegetal fiber by nasogastric tube. Based on the foregoing, pentoxyphillin was added at of 70 mg iv/8 h. Both cases responded successfully to that and after 15 days of treatment, the patients were sent home safely.
Commentaries: Although this report is not definitive, results show the potential of pentoxyphillin to encourage its use in a future study for the treatment of acute hepatitis.
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