2009, Number 5
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Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 2009; 66 (5)
Institutional variability of neonatal screening in Mexico
Vela-Amieva M, Belmont-Martínez L, Ibarra-González I, Fernández-Lainez C
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 431-439
PDF size: 178.24 Kb.
Introduction. Recently, the development of technology has reached the availability of neonatal screening (NS) for an increasing number of diseases. In Mexico, the actual official regulation makes obligatory the detection of only one disease -hypothyroidism. Despite this, the regulation has remained without changes since 1988. Panels involved in NS have evolved differently in the Mexican health sector. We undertook this study to determine the variability of the NS panels and the number of detected diseases as well as the diverse methodologies used for their determination in the different institutions of the Mexican health system.
Methods. Telephone interviews were made to the directors of the NS program for each federal entity and institution.
Results. We found that some institutions only screen for one disease, whereas others screen for up to 60 diseases. Methodology variation was 1 to 5.
Conclusions. There is great variability in the number of diseases detected in newborns as well as in the methodologies used. Such inconsistency depends on the place of birth and the parents’ employment for insurance affiliation. This difference leads to unequal opportunities for the detection of severe inherited diseases with high potential of impaired development. It is important to establish equal, fair and modern health policies in regard to NS in Mexico.
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