2001, Number 1
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2001; 15 (1)
Prevalencia de depresión, a través de la Escala de Depresión Perinatal de Edinburgh (EPDS), en una muestra de mujeres mexicanas embarazadas
Ortega L, Lartigue T, Figueroa ME
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 11-20
PDF size: 568.87 Kb.
Objective: To determine the depression prevalence during the last trimester of the pregnancy and to determine the validity and confiability of the Scale of Perinatal Depression of Edinburgh (SPDE).
Material and Methods: It was carried out an investigation in the external consultation of the National Institute of Perinatología, in a sample of 360 women, in the weeks 28-34 of gestation that accepted free and informedly to participate in the study. A battery of psychological tests was applied, among them, the SPDE.
Results: In connection with the validity of constructo of the Spanish´s version, two factors were identified with eigen values superiors at 1.00 that give bill of 50.3% of the total variance: the first factor contained the answers 1,2,7,-10 that are more related with depressive feelings"; and the second factor, was intregrated with the answers 3-6, more related with anxiety and/or transition toward the maternity. Regarding the confiability, an alpha of Cronbach 0.818 was obtained in the global scale and a standardized alpha of 0.822 and 0.75, for the method of halves of Guttman. In the retest with 97 women, to the six weeks postpartum, appropriate correlation coefficients were obtained (0.792; 0.656 and 0.625). It was found that 21.7% of the women of the sample, they could be experienced a "probable depressive episode".
Conclusions: It is cosidered important to apply the EPDS like part of the procedure habitual diagnoses in the prenatal control, with object of to early identify to the women in risk and to make the pertinent indications for their attention and treatment.
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