2000, Number 4
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2000; 14 (4)
Resultados de un programa de promoción de la salud sexual y reproductiva en adolescentes a nivel comunitario, en una institución de tercer nivel de atención
González-Figueroa LE, Martínez-Sánchez C, Blancas-Guzmán RG
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 206-216
PDF size: 323.74 Kb.
Objective: To show the results of the experience in the application of educational programs on sexual and reproductive health in adolescent, with pupils, teachers and personal of the first attention level.
Material and methods: It was carried out a diagnosis phase, with application of certificates, surveys and questionnaires to detect needs of information (in pupils of 5° and 6° of outweighed and 3° of secondary) and training (in teachers and personal of health). Thereinafter they were designed and applied courses - workshops for different populations. In both phases, was counted on the collaboration of practice students professional and social service of the ENEP Acatlán, under the supervision, advising and logistical support of the Education Department in the Community. To measure the advances in the workshops were made evaluations pre and post-course and certificates of events evaluation academic of the INPer. To evaluate if the averages post-course were different from the initials, was applied the test of “t” Student for paired samples, with value alfa 0.05%.
Results: They were reported the qualification averages (in scale of 0 to 10) in pupils of primary and secondary, where were observed advances in the evaluations post-course. In some experiences was observed that existed differences meaningful with relation to the averages of the initial and final evaluations.
Conclusions: The experience developed between 1997-2000, permitted the gradual approximation toward the satisfaction of needs of information and training on the part of the population the one which was destined the program. The results are encouraging; however, it is required to widen the coverage of the actions, to improve the elevation instruments to measure the advances and the impact of the program, to work coordinately with other institutions, as well as to foment the participation of family parents.
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