2000, Number 2
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2000; 14 (2)
La planificación familiar en el ocaso del siglo XX
Torres-Ramírez A
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 108-114
PDF size: 159.07 Kb.
History of family planning on the world, and specially on Mexico, collect a lot of events and anecdotes that they are convenient to know, to understand the genesis and the development of the contraception methodology, which has helped to adequate the human sexual behavior, and consequently has contributed to improve reproductive health and family comfort, and equally has permitted to decrease indiscriminate population growing. The commemoration of 25th Anniversary the Population General Law from Mexico, which order to public education and medical services the education and the practice of family planning programs, is a good opportunity to refer antecedents of that legal precepts, as soon as the impacts it self on the public health and the demography of Mexico.
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