2001, Number 1
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Rev Biomed 2001; 12 (1)
True mortality rate by age strata and death causes in a criollo goat flock in the subhumid tropics of Yucatan, Mexico.
Torres-Acosta JF, Aguilar-Caballero A, Williams J, Ortega-Pacheco A
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 11-17
PDF size: 38.08 Kb.
Introduction. Precise evaluation of the mortality of animals during each stage of their lives can be used to develop a management strategy to reduce animal losses either in each productive stages or for specific disease.
Material and methods. The true mortality rate was determined by age class (TMV) and by cause of death (TMVC) from a goat flock in Yucatán, México. Data of mortality, growth, and sales, from 1986 to 1993 (201 deaths) were analyzed. The TMV and the risk rare (RR was calculated from pre-weaning, juvenile and adult classes. TMVC and related RR were also calculated for each age class.
Results. The highest TMV was found in the preweaning class [2.00 deaths/1000 animal days at risk (ADAR)], followed by adults (0.20 deaths/ 1000 ADAR) and growing class (0.17 deaths/ 1000 ADAR). The 95 % IC showed that TMV between the adult and growing classes were not different. Hypothermia had the highest TMVC (1.20 deaths/1000 ADAR) in the pre-weaning class with a RR of 0.068. In the juvenile group, the main cause of death was gastrointestinal parasitsm (0.09 deaths/1000 ADAR) with a TR of 0.49. In the adult class, traumatism was important (0.09 deaths/1000 ADAR) with a TR of 0.250.
Discussion. The pre-weaning was the period of the highest risk of death. Hypothermia was the most important cause of death which could be avoided by good management.
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