2003, Number 3
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Rev Biomed 2003; 14 (3)
Identification of risk factors associated with the handling of hazardous biological infectious waste (HBIW) in employees of level III hospìtals in Mexico city
Valdovinos-Núñez GR
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 131-142
PDF size: 81.84 Kb.
Introduction. The objective of this study was to identify the origin of the labour risks of the personnel handling Hazardous Biological Infectious Waste (HBIW), generated in three departments of level III medical institutions of the health system in Mexico city.
Materials and Methods. The methodology consisted in designing and applying questionnaires to workers of the departments of pathology, clinical analysis laboratory, and blood bank laboratory of level III medical institutions. This allowed for an evaluation of the compatibility between 1) The knowledge of the regulation NOM-087-ECOLSSA1-2002 and 2) the appropriate performance of the personnel at different tasks related to the handling of HBIW.
A chi –square test of goodness of fit was applied for more than two categories and was followed by a Yate´s correction for continuity, between groups in order to test the statistical significance.
Results. A lack of compatibility between knowledge of the regulation and tasks related with the process of work was evident. Therefore, there was a wide divergence between the legal theoretical aspects and the real performance of the task.
Discussion. It is established that, in general, the knowledge of the regulation is precarious. Therefore, the workers of level III hospitals in Mexico City may not be able to accomplish their tasks under the appropriate conditions of safety and hygiene. This situation makes the worker prone to higher risks as well as the respective department.
A systematic program is recommended, aimed at identifying and correcting the weak profile of the workers due to a lack of knowledge of the regulations on HBIW management. This will eventually lead to a reduction of the risks at work in level III hospitals, in Mexico City.
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