2007, Number 3
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Rev Biomed 2007; 18 (3)
Overweight and obesity in adult population of two health community centers of Mexico City
Nájera-Medina O, González-Torres MC, Rodríguez CL, Victorino-Hipólito C
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 154-160
PDF size: 218.74 Kb.
Introduction. Overweight and obesity are public health problems with effects on adult and children lives. They are closely linked with chronic degenerative diseases which can be prevented.
Objective. The aims of this work were: to evaluate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in an adult sample living in Mexico City, and measure the central obesity of the adults participating in the study.
Material and Methods. The subjects were 100 patients of two public medical canters located at the south of Mexico City. Their ages ranged between 18-75 years; 74% were females and 26% males. We registered the anthropometric measurement of patients and also the past family and present personal diseases.
Results. It was found that 19% of the patients had a normal weight, 42% had overweight, and 38% (p‹0.0004) showed signs of any kind of obesity. In contrast, only 28% of the patients considered that they had obesity. Additionally, it was observed that 11% of the patients were diabetic. of the sample 26% had been diagnosed with hypertension and 54% patients had central obesity.
Conclusions. The high percentage of patients with overweight and obesity was similar to that reported by the Mexican Health System Surveys carried out at national scale. An important finding was the Metabolic Syndrome observed in the sampled population, this fact stressed the need to enlarge this research in order to quantify its magnitude.
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